CRM Free Excel Templates.
In this post you will not be able to download only a free Excel CRM template, you will be able to download 2 templates.
Both Excel CRM templates have the same purpose, to control the sales funnel since the initial contact is generated (leads), later a contact can become a business opportunity, and this what I consider the most important process of a CRM, the planning and monitoring of commercial activities to turn the opportunity into a sales quotation.
Excel may not be the ideal platform to manage a CRM, for this there is already specialized software that works in the cloud, in mobile applications, even current ERPS integrate the CRM into their process flow. Most salespersons require a tool that matches with their mobility and commercials tend to move quite a bit.
In my opinion these templates can be useful at first place to understand the process of a sales funnel transferred to a CRM tool, secondly there are users or companies accostumed to work with Excel, so these templates are very familiar to them.
In any case, these templates are an example and a model that you can apply to your company, but in no case can they replace the power of a specialized CRM, either by capacity or by integration and mobility reasons.
Both templates have the same purpose and only change in the way of registering data and managing information.
The first Excel CRM template that you can download for free is the M1 version
This version has a data entry in contacts and opportunities in table mode.
You can configure options such as products, units of measure, sales channels, salespersons, opportunity states, budget states, commercial activities, payment modes and payment terms.
In this way many of the data are already parameterized and standardized when selecting them throughout the process.
As you can see in the following images, contact and opportunity data are recorded in a table format, this limits the planning and monitoring of commercial activities since only one can be assigned per opportunity.
Once the opportunity becomes a quotation, the opportunity code can be assigned to the quotation to be tracked.
Both templates have a very similar structure that you can find for example in an ERP such as ODOO that works with tables and forms.
CRM M1 Excel Temaplate images
Download for free CRM version M2 Excel Template
In the M2 version of the free Excel template CRM the contact and opportunity data management is performed as a form, this is the same as in the ODOO ERP, and the data view control is done in the list mode.
This has an advantage being able to record more information, opportunities can include more commercial activities to plan and track. These commercial activities are important since their good management can allow a greater number of conversions.
In the configuration section the options are very similar to the M1 version as are shown in the following images.
Both Excel CRM templates are free and open. The M2 version has capacity with the current format for 50 contacts, 50 opportunities and 50 quotations, if you know a little about Excel you will not find it difficult to expand its capacity.
Some users tell me if I can make unlimited contacts and opportunities or budgets, obviously this is materially impossible with Excel, If you need this there are incredible applications on the market that have unlimited number of records as the case of the ERP ODOO CRM.
If you have never used a CRM this is a fantastic opportunity to try this management model on a platform that may be is more familiar to you and if you consider it useful for the company you can always make the leap to a specialized CRM.
CRM M2 Excel Temaplate images
Hi Dani,
Discovered you online by looking for some CRM templates and found a template, attaching here. A quick question–how did you create that App-like feature in the Excel? Is this by using some 3rd party service or directly in the Excel? If it is directly… how on earth is that possible? 🙂 Is this some special functionality that I could Google to know more about it? I already searched, nothing seems to come up!Great work you did there, thanks for sharing it with everyone.
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