FREE Excel Balanced Scorecard 2KM15

FREE Excel Balanced Scorecard 2KM15.

Are you seeking for a free Balanced Scorecard template that you can download and use in Excel?

You have, in fact, arrived at the correct location.

In this post you will find a professional BSC ready to be used.


The Excel Balanced Scorecard is a tool that may assist you in more effectively managing business, financial, resource, and organizational operations in a manner that is congruent with the plan that the firm has created.

It is a performance dashboard that assists in monitoring and measuring the performance of an organization, as well as its activities and key performance indicators (KPIs).

This dashboard has the potential to give information on the performance of the firm as well as its present position in relation to its goals. It is also possible to utilize it to detect prospective issues as well as places that might require some improvement.


A company’s success in terms of its objectives, operations, and key performance indicators may be graphically represented using the dashboard.

This may be helpful for management as well as workers in understanding the performance of the organization and identifying areas in which improvements can be made. In addition to this, it is possible to save time via the automation of processes such as monitoring and evaluating business performance perspectives.

Example Excel Balanced Scorecard Free template Version 2KM15

To get an idea of how a FREE Excel Balanced Scorecard works, here are some images that you can find on this page.

01 FREE Excel Balanced Scorecard 2KM15


02 FREE Excel Balanced Scorecard 2KM15


03 FREE Excel Balanced Scorecard 2KM15


04 FREE Excel Balanced Scorecard 2KM15


05 FREE Excel Balanced Scorecard 2KM15


Download this Template here


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