Retail Commerce Profit Analysis Free Excel Template

Retail Commerce Profit Analysis Free Excel Template.

Objective: Budget costs and margins for Retail Commerce with Excel.

Do you need to run simulations of what you can earn from a retail store?


With the Retail Commerce profitability simulator template with Excel, you will be able to calculate profitability before taxes by months by product category and by product season.


How are the Retail Commerce Excel reports obtained?


First of all, we define the list of products to be sold, each product is classified by category or product family and by season.


Both product category and seasons can be customized.


In the list of products it will also be necessary to record the cost of the product and a percentage of the cost to calculate the sale price (in both cases without taxes) with this information we will obtain the gross margin by amount and by percentage.


In the sales forecast section we will enter the number of days that the business or company will be open and the average daily sales forecast for each product.


In the discount section for days we can indicate the average discount percentage to apply according to the month and the number of days that the discount will be applied for each month.


With all this information we will obtain the forecast of monthly sales in quantities, the total costs of the products on a monthly basis and the forecast of revenues also on a monthly basis.


In addition to this, we will have to enter the cost of staff, also the investments made to calculate the annual depreciation and therefore the monthly depreciation, and the overhead expenses that will be incurred monthly.


And with all this information, we can obtain the expected profitability for each category and for each season on a monthly basis.


This is a simple tool to use and understand for those who are considering opening a business or company of these characteristics or already have a business with similar characteristics and need to do a profitability analysis and a detailed forecast of sales and profitability simulations.


It is very important to know which lines of business or categories may be the most profitable or which seasons will be. This is the first step in making the leap to financial analysis that provides cash flow and financing needs.

Images Retail Commerce Profit Analysis Free Excel Template

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