Balanced Scorecard Excel Template Key Indicators (KPIs) Control.
Excel Template for control Key Indicators (KPIs) in a classic Balanced Scorecard.
Would you like to have a clear, organized and simple vision of the Key Indicators (KPIs) of your company?
Many companies due to size or volume cannot afford, nor do they need, a technologically advanced or complex tool.
Sometimes with a simple tool or application it is enough to achieve your needs.
What is the purpose of using a tool like the Balanced Scorecard?
It allows people who control and make decisions in the company to have a quick and clear visualization of how the business is performing.
In the following images I show how to register data and use the indicator control scorecard tool to make an annual comparison.
- Definition of objectives and key indicators in the objectives table
- Entering key indicator data in the previous year’s monthly table
- Introduction of actual monthly data of the indicators as the period is closed
- Annual comparative control of the key indicators
- Possibility of period selection
- Comparative and accumulated monthly individual control of each indicator
- Aggregate summary of all indicators
- Monthly comparative chart
- Cumulative monthly comparative chart
The example of how to manage a Balanced Scorecard with Excel includes:
- The 4 Perspectives of Kaplan and Norton (Customers, Finance, Processes and Resources)
- 25 Management Indicators per perspective (Total 100 Management Indicators)
- Definition of objectives
- Comparison with actual and historical data
- Individual control of indicators, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual comparison
- Control of accumulated
- Control indicators on a single screen
- Alert configuration
- Possibility of including the strategic map
- Open and modifiable template
Free Excel Balanced Scorecard images
Video Balanced Scorecard Free Excel Template
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