Suppliers Prices Comparative Analysis Free Excel Download

Suppliers Prices Comparative Analysis Free Excel Download.

Many times Excel allows us to perform simple but effective analyzes that we could not do otherwise or that would be very expensive to adapt at any management software.


This Excel template is a clear example of simplicity, but of high value for analysis and decision making.


The functionality is very simple, the first step is to enter the products in a column and the suppliers in the header row.


In the products – suppliers matrix we enter the purchase prices by product for each supplier, you can use a standard price, the last price offered, the average price …


Each row of prices by product related to its respective suppliers has a color scale in dark green the lowest price and in dark red or orange the highest price.


At the same time there is a column with the lowest price for each product and in the next column indicates the supplier with the lowest price for each product. This calculation is done with the formula index and match.


Below we have the same columns, but for the highest price and the supplier with the highest price. And finally a column with the difference between the highest and the lowest price.


And to add more value to this analysis, in the rows below the products, the fields have been included: Supplier Delivery Term (Maximum Delivery Term in days), Minimum Quantity Supplier Order and Supplier Payment Term in days.


This is necessary data to make decisions about which supplier is the best to select according to our needs.

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