Payments Due Date Control Free Excel Template

Payments Due Date Control Free Excel Template.

With this tool that a priori seems simple but provides valuable information to those companies that do not have a maturity control tool in their management system or prefer to carry it independently in an Excel tool.


In the Excel template we register the company, the invoice or other payment documents.


We register the receipt number in the case that an invoice has several due dates, we register the amount to be paid by a customer in positive sign and if it is to be paid to a supplier in negative sign, we can also select the previously predefined method of payment, and most importantly, we finally register due date of the receipt or the document to be paid.


The free Excel template automatically calculates the difference in days between today’s date and the due date, if positive it means that the due date is still lower than today’s date and the alert will be green color, if the due date is higher than today’s date, the days of difference will be shown with a negative sign and the alert will be red.


The type is automatically detected, if the amount is positive it is to be charged and the type will be Customer Payment, if the amount is negative it will be Supplier Payment.


We can also register the payment date, if the receipt is registered it will be shown as paid in the state field, in case the payment date is not registered the state field will show as Open.

Images Payments Due Date Control Free Excel Template


Payments Due Date Control Free Excel Template

Payments Due Date Control Free Excel Template


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