Marketing Plan Free Excel Template

Marketing Plan Free Excel Template.

A Marketing plan written in a Word document or in a Power Point presentation is a very good way to communicate the strategy, but in reality it is impractical to keep track and control of what really matters, how much you are going to spend and how will control to generate the expected results. Because intentions without financial approval or an allocation of company funds are useless.


Every marketing responsible will be willing to allocate large budget items to the area in order to attract huge amounts of contacts to increase conversion and therefore sales, but the investment and resource capacity is limited, so the actions must be dosed depending on what the company can afford.


This is the functionality of this Marketing Plan, to generate a calendar and an annual economic budget for Marketing Actions


This incredible Excel template will allow you to prepare a daily  Marketing Plan, month by month, all the marketing actions you need to carry out to capture your leads or potential clients and generate the necessary opportunities to increase your sales.


This tool is annual but the modification of dates is as simple as entering the first date of the year in the control panel, the Excel template is prepared to calculate dates and days regardless of the year that is entered (including leap years)


In this Excel template you can configure subcategories and categories to improve planning analysis. First you configure the subcategories you need, then the categories, each category you assign using a subcategory drop-down. You can also configure suppliers.


Every month we registered all the actions we plan to carry out, we selected the category with a dropdown, the subcategory is automatically displayed since we have previously configured it with the category, we selected the supplier with a dropdown and we recorded the unit cost of the action.

Then we register inside the day of the month that we plan to carry out the action by entering the number of actions for that day.

With this information the daily and monthly financial budget per action and the total is automatically calculated. We can also record the actual daily cost incurred, therefore we can be able to compare it with the planned one.

Once planned every month, we have a dashboard on the main sheet that shows us the total budgeted for each month and the annual total, if we record the actual costs they will also be shown on the dashboard as well as the difference with the budget.


The Marketing Plan Free Excel Template also has the following reports:

  • Monthly budget by category of marketing actions
  • Monthly budget by subcategory of marketing actions
  • Monthly budget by provider of marketing actions
  • No. of monthly marketing actions

Images Marketing Plan with Excel

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Download this Template here


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