Employee Absences Free Excel Template

Employee Absences Free Excel Template.

In this version, the template structure has been reorganized to quickly identify the configuration section, which includes Employees, Types of Absences, Departments, and Job positions.

The Department and the Job Position can be assigned in the list of employees, which will be useful for preparing the control report.

The template allows to be reused annually by changing the date of the first day of the year, this allows the months of the year to be automatically updated.

The data record has been restructured allowing the selection of the employee, the type of absence, the starting date and the ending date that the absence lasts. This allows the automatic calculation of days of absence and also shows the department and the related job.

Once the data is completed, we can control the information though a dynamic report.

In the report we can not only control all the registered data, we can also filter by months, type of absence, department, position and employee.

The report is open so you can adapt it according to your needs.

As I have mentioned, it is a template that can be reused annually, so to facilitate the data cleaning work, a button has been included that performs the process of deleting monthly data automatically using a password to avoid pressing it by mistake.

Free Excel Template Images for Employee Absence Control

01 Employee Absences Control Management Free Excel Template


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06 Employee Absences Control Management Free Excel Template


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