Budget Control for Events M1 Excel Template.
An ideal Excel template to control the budget of any event, conference, training or course.
Many times when we create an Excel template, we usually complicate it making complex structures, generating unnecessary macros and many tables that we later link with others in a poorly optimized way.
If you create an Excel tool for your company, try to make it as simple as possible not only for you but also for other users.
In most of the companies that I have worked on, it has given me the feeling that the spreadsheets that the employees create are their own, instead of the company’s property, on many occasions the employee creates their own information system, a system that only the employee knows and that when needs to be transferred to another user an important cost in learning time is generated. Most of the time the user who inherits a spreadsheet ends up doing it from scratch creating his own new system. This occurs perhaps due to lack of knowledge to generate optimized and general-purpose spreadsheets or the fact of creating something that makes them essential for the company.
This is a big mistake on the part of the employees and the company for allowing it since it generates huge losses of time, rework and problems when using and maintaining internal information.
As you can see in this free Excel Template model to Control the Budget of the Revenue and Expense for Events, the structure and the process are very simple but the utility is very valuable.
I took this model from a macro’s web site that automatically generated tasks, adding the tasks in the following empty cells and at the same time a checklist was added to mark it once the task was completed. At first I thought about using the macro to add attendees to an event, but what happens if we simply want to delete a task? Well, removing the checklist was annoyance. The macro was well done and automated the generation of checklists. But it turned out to be inefficient for my purposes.
So I decided that instead of automating the generation of a cheklist, simply with a drop-down list with the values ”Yes” and “No” would simplify and solve the problem when deleting data.
The objective of this Excel template is to generate an income budget through the forecast of those attending an event and then mark them if they have attended or not. The forecast of attendees multiplied by the sale price gives us the income budget of the attendees. Actual income is calculated by selecting “Yes” that they have attended.
In this example, the expenses are simple, they are direct expenses associated with the event, here we are not going to work with indirect expenses in this model. The expenses are those that we anticipate that the event will consume and then compare them with the actual ones.
As a result we have on the home page a summary of the budgeted and actual data and their respective deviations for the following indicators: Number of attendees, attendees revenues, additional revenue, event expenses and profit or margin of the event.
This Excel template that does not require macros, which is very simple to use, in the case of being transferred to another user the learning curve is very small and that adds great value to decision making and control, this template can be extrapolated to any other activity or need that the company has.
Budget Control Revenues and Expenses for Events M1 Excel Template images
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